RPG Player Expectations
What are “Player Expectations”?
We’ve all had those RPG sessions where that one player gets carried away and makes it difficult to enjoy the game. To make sure all of our public RPG sessions are safe and fun for everyone, the crew at Oddwillow’s has come up with a set of basic Player Expectations specifically for RPGs. These rules go hand-in-hand with our regular in store Code of Conduct. Before every session, players are asked to review and agree to the expectations to ensure a smooth game for everyone. Please view our events page to see all of our upcoming sessions, and contact us to sign up!
Please note that all DMs at Oddwillow’s are volunteers who generously donate their time for the fun of the game. Oddwillow’s DMs are also expected to follow the DM Expectations we have laid out to ensure a fun and fair game for all. If you’re interested in running a public session at Oddwillow’s, please fill out this formand a member of our staff will get back to you!

Our Player Expectations
- DMs Are in Charge:
- As the storyteller of their games, all DMs have full control over their sessions. From house-rules to player disagreements, DMs have final say on all matters in their sessions. Please address issues & concerns with your DM first, either in session or after. If an issue arises that needs further attention, staff may be involved after the session.
- Respect the Tone of the Session:
- DMs & players should discuss the expected “play-style” before beginning a session, and players should do their best to respect the tone of their session.
- Keep It Clean:
- Sexually explicit content is never allowed in sessions. While it may come up in lore and back stories, no sexual content should be played out during a session, and no advances should be made towards characters/other players.
- Be a considerate player:
- Do your best to respect other players & your DM. Pay attention, ask questions when needed, and don’t do things like talk over or interrupt players or the DM, tell other players how to play their character, rules lawyer (especially to the DM), meta game, steamroll decisions, intentionally split the party, or play that bard.
- Do your best to respect other players & your DM. Pay attention, ask questions when needed, and don’t do things like talk over or interrupt players or the DM, tell other players how to play their character, rules lawyer (especially to the DM), meta game, steamroll decisions, intentionally split the party, or play that bard.
- Remember that it is a game:
- Even in serious sessions, it’s still just a game. Don’t let bad rolls get you down, don’t take losses personally, and don’t forget that it should be fun for everyone.