Loyalty & Memberships
Oddwillow’s Loyalty Program
It pays to be loyal!
Our loyalty program is completely free to sign up. All it takes is an email, name, and phone number, and you’re in! We never share or sell your information, and we only occassionally send out promotional emails to inform you of upcoming events and specials, though the best way to stay up to date with us is to follow our social media. The in store loyalty program offers:
- 2% Back In-Store Credit on Most Purchases
- $5 Store Credit Back for Every Play Space
- Ability to Request Special Orders
- Ability to Hold Products
Plus, your store credit never expires! Sign up for our loyalty program next time you visit our store to get all of these benefits.

Oddwillow’s Membership Program
Members get more!
By popular request, we have opened up a new paid membership program! We offer two different options, a standard $25 a month membership that covers up to two people, or a $50 a month option that covers up to five people. Benefits for these memberships include:
- 4% Back In-Store Credit on Most Purchases
- Free Daily Play Space per Membership Level
- $5 back in store credit for paid RPG sessions
- Free Private Room Rental Once per Month (Subject to Availability)
- Access to a Member’s Only Discord Channel
Stop in store or contact us for more details!